Thursday, September 01, 2005

Cleaning up...

Here are some pictures of the cleanup effort from the first day (Tuesday August 30, 2005 unless otherwise noted).
This is a picture taken from underneath carport from the back yard looking towards the front yard.Here is a close up of the side door with the calapsed car port and limbs.
Here is a picture taken by Kc of the carport later in the day while we were cutting up the massive tree.Here is the results of the damage done by Big Joe Duke, Ryan, Kenny, and myself. In the forground is the limb which penetrated the roof and was shown yesterday being inside Kc's room.
Here is a closer look at the corner of the house after we got the limb off of the house and you can see the makeshift tar paper (felt) thrown up there by the landlord to try to cover the holes before a quick shower.
This is the other side of the same gable showing the quick patch with plywood.
Here is a look towards the ceiling showing the limb jutting through the ceiling.Here is the hole in the livingroom ceiling. Poor ferrets, they were maybe five feet from this when the tree fell and came through the storm fine and dandy.This is Wednesday afternoon after the landlord left. We finished cutting up and moving the tree across the road.
Here is the large pile across the road from our house. Most of that pile is the tree from the front yard. There are a number of smaller limbs from the back yard on the right as well as a matress and box springs.This is pile number 2 or as I have dubbed, The Big Joe Duke pile as we were all wearing down we were moving limbs from the car port area to here.
Now as you saw the split limb yesterday, I have to applaud this limb. It may sound weird but as best as we can piece together the events when the tree top fell this limb is key. It takes a lot of force and pressure to split a limb like this. So, here are the events as best we can deduce: Probably the winds wore on the top and due to several lightning strikes over the years weakened it and finally one of the gusts blew it over. This limb is key as it used to stretch over the house giving the house quite a bit of shade. The winds from the south/south east would push the top toward the house and thus this limb. The tree top fell and hit this limb, this limb held long enough to divert the limb towards the front yard and splitting under this tremendous pressure. After this split, the end of the limb stuck into the roof in the livingroom (which is consistent with hole because the limb struck, rebounded, then came back down to hide it). So, this limb seems to be what saved our house from much more devestation.

Fuel prices are skyrocketing around the south due to tremendous demand, since 20-25% of America's domestic oil production is off the Louisiana coast the demand is outweighing the supply locally. People are nuts: cussing, fights, and even in some places people have pulled guns. Mobile police are being diverted from some of their other duties to help police gas stations and direct traffic. The lines are miles long, SUV's all over the place, people are being limited to 20 gallons at some places. Lets hope that this is relieved soon.

New Orleans and Mississippi are hard hit what few pictures I have seen, it is horrible. I watched one of the WKRG streamed news reports it showed a poor man totally devestated and clearly in shock, holding his child telling his story to a reporter that he was holding his wife by one hand and she said that he could not hold her much longer that the water was going to sweep her away, she then said to take care of their child, then she was swept away and he has not been able to find her. Probably the worst story, not caused directly by the storm I have heard so far, is a man in Mississippi shot a woman (I think his sister possibly) in the head over a bag of ice Tuesday.

My starter has messed up, so whenever I can get someone to give me a lift to Autozone i'm going to see about replacing it and helping anyone I can.

God bless everyone affected by this tragedy and everyone who is selflessly giving time, money, supplies and support to those affected. Once again thanks BJD, Ryan, and Kenny for their help.



Blogger Kelly(Mom of 6) said...

It's amazing that on Tuesday or Wednesday last week it was still a cat. 1 even after having been on land for some time, by that time. This was just a horrible situation and for every survivor I am thankful. My prayers and a little money are going to have to do the rest right now. God Bless everyone.

11:20 AM  

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