Thursday, December 15, 2005


Well, Congress is going to give $3.1 Billion dollars for Levee repairs in New Orleans. Plus, Bush is going to ask for $1.5 B more!?! WHY? I think you know what i'm going to say....leave it be. Return it to the marsh lands like its supposed to be. Apparently, the residents are not wanting to come back. That means they dont need all those levees now. If they want to squander the money the goverment gave them several years ago on improvements to the Governors house or the Mayors house, so be it. Its YOUR fault for voting for the crooked politician or its YOUR fault for not voting at all. Echoing Matt's sentament, FEMA, stop giving the handouts to the people in New Orleans. They are becoming moochers on the government because the goverment is in a 'bad light' with the nation because of they were supposedly 'slow to help'. When McDonald's is offering to pay $9 a hour for grunt you KNOW the job force is bad. Take it and be happy you have a job.....bum.

Its looking like the Patriot Act is going to be made permanent. CALL YOUR POLITICIAN NOW!!!!!!!!!!! Express your displeasure and your reasoning behind it. Next thing you know the 'American Dream' is going to be 1984 and Communism. Maybe, instead of trying to get Espen to come back to the states we should just join him in the coldness known as Norway. Hackers seem to be in good esteem over there anyway.

What else was I going to rant about.... well I guess I forgot it now...later.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I read that article. Talk about wasting money. They talked about getting those leeves to handle Cat 5 storms. That could cost $32 billion and take 30yrs. Only to have people get confy with N'Orleans agian and then have it happen agian. The ciy is BELOW sea level, thus it floods. Deal with it people. Either rebuild ABOVE sea level or learn to swim. People waste to much money on lost causes.


10:25 PM  

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