Monday, September 19, 2005

Another day another....something

Great, just great. Tropical Storm (should be hurricane by this afternoon) Rita heading towards the Gulf of Mexico. Last night the storm track had it going mostly towards the Mexico/Texas line but has since shifted more northerly towards Texas/Louisiana line. Just what we need, another storm which could give us more rain and wind (fingers crossed that is all we may get).

I read that M$ is going to have a $100 Million advertisement campaign to launch Vista/Longhorn. Yet again I say, ignoring the whole DRM stuff, why should I even consider upgrading? The vector based graphics is going to reduce the performance of my OpenGL games by possibly 50%. Beyond that, I don't really care about the fancy, schmacy interfaces look. I already strip my XP down to classic windows view, I would rather have my processor cycles working on something other than the 'pretty' factor. Anyway, I just wanted to warn everyone to prepare for a major marketing campaign by M$.

I'm considering on replacing the folding table that i'm using as a desk with....a real desk. You can take a look at it here. One thing I cannot decide on is if I want the optional hutch (center piece in the picture) or not. I am planning on running dual monitors on my primary desktop and possibly one monitor on my secondary machine. There is enough room that I can do that and have my notebook set up too. But, i'm not certain about the hutch. In addition, to go with this I would also put in a gigabit switch.

Now to end it on a high note, I was assigned to read a 29 year old paper written by Wegner about the first 25 years of programming languages. It was quite interesting I have to admit. Some of the 'milestones' that he pointed out had effects on current programming languages. Some of it was defintely heading towards object oriented programming. After the fact, I was thinking (which is quite a scary thing indeed) suppose we write a paper like that today then in 30 years what are programming languages going be like. What features and attributes are they going to have that is different or 'better' from today's programming languages? What will be the new 800LB gorilla in the corner? So, hopefully in 30 years i'll still be around so you can ask me and hopefully i'll have an answer.

What have we learned today? M$ is going to pound Vista into our eyes, ears, and mouth (hopefully that's the only places they are going to pound us but unlikely).


Blogger Skrubby said...

Thats the same desk I've had for over three years. I actually like the hutch attachment. It raises my primary monitor up some, provides a drawer to put my driver disks and PC receipts, and the little wings are great for speakers or a lcd.

One thing I've always been a little concerned about though is weight distribution. The right side with the cabinet has never been a problem, but I don't like that the left side is relatively unsupported, so I've never put any of my boxes (except the laptop) there.

8:21 AM  
Blogger Brian Wright said...

Is the hutch large enough to hold 2 monitors?

1:10 PM  

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