Monday, July 24, 2006

bloggidy blog...

Thursday night Gwar put on one heck of a show and rocked downtown Mobile at the Soul Kitchen. Good heavy metal, add in awesome costumes, and then throw in red and purple 'blood' spray and you have a recipe for an awesome party. Rock on Gwar!!!

Saturday I met up with the group to tour the Battleship Alabama. Little do many know that the Alabama is the only Battleship with fully restored turrents. Other battleships have them stripped out and bolted shut or filled with concrete, but the Alabama guns are fully restored. It took us 2.5hrs to tour the ship and it was getting so hot and hungrified that we decided to skip the planes and the USS Drum submarine to remedy that. Very good by the way.

I then came home and watched some History Channel passively while playing some Battlefield 1942 and Doom 3 (still haven't finished it).

Sunday, I was a lazy bum. Washed clothes and bedding. Played more Doom 3 and passively watched the History Channel. Then watched the 4400 and the Dead Zone.

I've been doing a little reading to familiarize myself with Linux so I don't feel like a total loser when I sit down in front of a machine running linux. I've been pushing to get some unused computers up and running Linux in the lab. Hopefully they can and will be utilized in the future.

Ok, I've been meaning to post some of the pics sooner...well sooner turned to later....then really later. But now later has turned to now. So I give you pictures.

This is the "Boom B*tches" cake that Kacey dreamt up for BJD in its traveling attire.

The "Boom B*tches" cake with the 'fuse'.Here are the tasty innard of the "Boom B*tches" cake. Notice the oozage of chocolatey goodness.
Here are some pictures of my Mosin Nagant rifle I got a while back. (Beware, I have not fully researched everything about this rifle but following is what I know thus far) Its a very versatile Russian rifle. Two major versions of the one I have exist (Different versions of the Mosin Nagant have been in production since the 1800s). Mine has the date 1942 stamped with the arrow insignia for which production site it came from. This one is merely a rifle with pop up long range sights. The other version is identical but with a scope for the snipers. It fires a 7.62 x 54R shell.

Now, for good measure I throw in this picture. I was awake early one morning when Kacey was leaving for work and she noticed that there were a number of turtles in the yard and two of them were 'makin' sweet love'. So like any good roommate, she told me to come outside and see. Sure enough, they were gettin' it on. Then a third turtle was observing the action. Well, she leaves and I go inside and get my camera, like any nature lover would do. By the time I get outside they are scattering so for posterity, I posed the two 'lovers'. But, I think I may have gotten them backwards...the female may be on top....but you get the idea anyway....SWEET TURTLE LOVE!!!!
Hope you enjoyed the pics


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