Friday, December 23, 2005

Down with Alito...

I was recently reading an article about Samuel Alito. For those who do not know who this person is, he is the Supreme Court nominee from Bush since his previous appointee decided to call it quits. Well, apparently from documents released Friday it showed that he "defended the right of government officials to order domestic wiretaps when he worked for the Reagan Justice Department". Also, "Reagan-era memo said attorney general should be immune from lawsuits". Furthermore:
The memo dealt with whether government officials should have blanket protection from lawsuits when authorizing wiretaps. “I do not question that the attorney general should have this immunity,” Alito wrote. “But for tactical reasons, I would not raise the issue here.”
Needless to say, i'm not liking this guy too much. I don't know what we should do beyond trying to let our represetatives know that we are not happy with this. As much as I love the US, sometimes I ponder if maybe we should look to move elsewhere. The big companies seem to have congress in their pockets, while we the citizens seem to continually get the shaft. Oddly, the Jerry Reed song "She got the goldmine and I got the shaft" comes to mind...



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