Monday, October 24, 2005

Less than a week away now...

till we start moving, but its already begun. This morning Kc and I cleaned out the utility building behind the house so we will have a place to store our washer, dryer, lawn mowers, and grills out of the weather. I've packed up most all of my books but I still have a bunch of stuff left to go. I hope my desk makes it here by Friday, i'll be a bit angry since I ordered it on the 12th trying to make sure it would be here by the move. Maybe I can arrange my room in order to fit a larger bed, my single is a bit small since Thor is a bed hog.

I've started working on my costume for Big Joe Duke's party, I hope everyone gets a good laugh out of it :) This Thursday we are going to break the traditional Picklefish visit to go to Los Arcos I believe. Its been a long ride but without Courtney, its not quite the same. Don't get me wrong, Jan is cool so is Sara and Anya but its not quite the same. Who knows, we may end up there again but not this Thursday.

As you may have noticed, I have linked to phlibbertigibbet (AKA Matt's) blog, go check it out. Another one of the crew joins the blogging craze.

I read in the news that Bush's choice for the Supreme Court, Meirs, would not have enough votes to be confirmed if it were happen today. Which is good, I don't quite know who she is nor how she would act on the court. She has been the White House council for Bush and a lawyer but nothing judicial. While i'm not a staunch supporter of abortion, I do not believe that the government has the right to tell a woman what she can and cannot do with her body. I believe that is between her and a higher power. What i'm most affraid of is that she could be the deciding factor if the current cases in courts finally bubble back up the Supreme court.

Speaking of a higher power, I hope that my aunt down in Vero Beach, Florida is okay after Wilma passed close to her and I hope that Espen's Stealth (and subsequent belongings) are okay as well.



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