Friday, June 02, 2006

To Jeremy...

I just want to say one thing: Jeremy Ovid Blair's seemingly egalitarian ideas lead only to results that are both nit-picky and unfair. Perhaps before going on, I should describe Jeremy to you. Jeremy is selfish, cantankerous, and picayunish. Furthermore, he yearns to defy the rules of logic. Please don't ask me to see to it that all patriotic endeavors are directed down blind alleys, where they end in frustration and discouragement. I simply can't do that. Some people think that his ebullitions are based on some deep-rooted personality disorder. Others believe that Jeremy manipulates public opinion through raw emotion, sexual desire, "family values", comedy, music, entertainment, false religion, social engineering, journalistic propaganda, and junk science. The truth lies somewhere inbetween, namely, that Jeremy is trying to deface a social fabric that was already deteriorating. His mission? To spew forth ignorance and prejudice.

In purely political terms, you'd have to be the town fool to contend that Jeremy's ideologies are a breath of fresh air amid our modern culture's toxic cloud of chaos. I don't think anyone questions that. But did you know that he has always favored providing a privileged and protected status for odious ratbags? Jeremy's detractors are correct in their observation that most law-abiding citizens disapprove of Jeremy's methods. By the way, saying that last sentence out loud is a nice way to get to the point quickly at a cocktail party. Okay, there's no reason for me to be imperious, so I'll leave you with this concept: Jeremy Ovid Blair should feel ashamed of himself.



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