Saturday, January 27, 2007


Yesterday we had the ACM Welcome back pizza event. All 15 pizzas from Papa John's were devoured in about 35 minutes. Then last night we had Who-a-thon 2.0 combined with Munchkin. It was quite fun.

The ACM is sending some people to Hattisburg to participate in the Bearing Point programming contest which is being co-sponsored by Microsoft. After talking Jeremy into participating, we found out yesterday what the environment and text editors will be allowed during the competition. It is going to be hosted in Knoppix 5.1 with the following text editors: Joe, Kate, GVim, Nano, and Zile. When a few people were told about this, they looked at me and said 'who?'

It looks like I have more motivation to learn my way around Linux now. My thesis work will be much easier to continue under Linux than to do it within Windows. So, I guess I shall break out my trusty book and start back reading again.




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