Thursday, June 12, 2008

Firefox Javascript tip and more

Have you ever went to a website and clicked on a link and had your browser resized? Well never fear, I am here to give you a little tip that you can apply in Firefox to stave off that annoyance.

In Firefox open Tools -> Options. Click on the Content tab. Click on the 'Advanced' button beside the 'Enable JavaScript' checkbox. Then uncheck the 'Move or resize existing windows' and you are done.

In case you didn't read about it, Firefox 3 is scheduled for release on Tuesday, June 17th. Mozilla recently released RC3 of the browser. It was very stable and easy to use like a full release version back at beta 5 I thought.

Some of the changes that will immediately be noticeable is its memory footprint. With Firefox 2 it could gobble up lots of memory and bog down your system. That has been fixed with some memory leaks being patched, a change in what plugins have access to, and it no longer pre-caching pages you might visit for a speed increase.

Visually, its pretty pleasing with new looking forward and back buttons. The location bar will be one of the next changes you will notice. When you type in a location you want to visit, a drop down list of matching sites will appear. Each entry is somewhat large but that makes it easy to read I guess.

The location bar does a search of the recent website you visited. Suppose, I watched a video on that had the title 'Steel Guitar Hero' and wanted to return to it. I could type into the location bar 'Steel' and it will have a drop down list of places that contains the word 'steel'. In order to narrow down the results, you can further enter 'guitar' which will get me closer to what I am looking for.

Whenever you go to a URL, you will see what I refer to as the 'hollow star'. Clicking it is an easy way to quickly bookmark a website thereby making the 'hollow star' into a 'gold star'. By default, all new bookmarks will be placed in the 'unsorted bookmarks' folder to help keep your bookmarks more tidy. If you want to further organize the bookmark, you can click the 'gold star' again and it will bring up the same menu as if you had gone to the 'menu bar' -> 'bookmark this page' or used the keyboard shortcut 'ctrl-D'.

At that point, you can rename the bookmark, save it to a specific folder and add a tag. So, if I tagged my website as 'awesomeness' I could then type 'awesomeness' into the location bar and all of the bookmarks that I have tagged as being 'awesomeness' will come up. Or going back to my previous example using 'steel guitar hero', I could tag it with the word 'oblair' and do the same thing.

There are many more new things in Firefox 3 that is just waiting for you to discover them. Like the identity button but you can read about that somewhere else or simply watch the 'overview of Firefox 3' video. The first part it goes over is the location bar and bookmarking that I wrote about.

Download Firefox 3 and enjoy.

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